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2020|2021 PROGRAMS

Saturday, November 7,2020
Unionville Tavern Work Day


10:00 am

The Unionville Tavern

7935 S. Ridge Rd

Madison, OH  44057


Dress for the weather!  

Bring your own tools and leaf blowers if you have them for FALL CLEAN –UP.  Depending on the size of the group it will only take a few hours.  


Our group has had an ongoing relationship with these gardens. A couple of years ago Mark Gilson and Joe Kriss approached Ada and Karen at field day and asked if The Design Network would be interested to volunteer to help plan and restore the gardens at this historical site in Madison.  Wendy, Maggie, Nancy and Ada met with the committee and Wendy used her CAD program to create a plan.  Kym and her Horticulture students have volunteered in the past to help with clean-up of gardens, as well as Ada and some of her crew. The idea is that the gardens will be a draw for fundraising events to help preserve this unique property.  A nice opportunity to give back to the community and continue to help with their mission.  And also get DIRTY together!


Bring your own lunch.




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